Va multumim mult pentru interesul dumneavoastra in lucrarea de evanghelizare si invatatura prin Internet a Bisericii Emanuel. Ne-am bucura nespus daca ati dori sa fiti parteneri cu noi in raspandirea Evangheliei, sprijinandu-ne atat in rugaciune, cat si financiar. Daca Dumnezeu v-a pus pe inima sa contribuiti la unul din aceste proiecte, selectati butonul corespunzator de mai jos. Mentionam ca toate tranzactiile sunt sigure, encriptate si procesate printr-un server SSL.
Thank you for your interest in Emanuel Church's mission to spread God's Word via the Internet. We would be delighted if you would become a partner in spreading the Word through prayer or financially. If God put it on your heart, please select the appropriate button below to make a donation. We want to assure you that all transactions are secure. All communication is encrypted and processed by an SSL server. Emanuel Romanian Church of God is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.
We accept donations with Zelle, to recipient
You can access Zelle through your bank’s online account or mobile application.